About The Morning Star
School Ltd.
The Morning Star School Ltd. is a private educational institution with a cherished history and culture firmly rooted in the passionate promotion of the Education Industry in general and specifically Quality Education. Established in 1965 by a celebrated leader and visionary, Mrs. Esme Praah Siriboe, the school has played a key role in defining a constructive pedagogical framework to stimulate creativity for optimal learning, personal and professional growth and development of the Management, Staff and pupils, for five decades.
The Morning Star School endorses and promotes Christian Education. It is a community of learning and service and caters for formal learning experiences from Early Childhood to High School while utilising both the local and international curricula. The promotion of outstanding and award winning academic achievement, professional staff development, Christian education, holistic learning, rigorous academic programmes, diverse co-curricular activities, parent support interventions, multicultural education, special needs education, career education and entrepreneurial skills training, as well as a wide outreach for community service, has been her fame to date.
The Morning Star School has been ushered into a period that affords hundreds of people, both old and young alike, a rare chance to reflect on the precious moments of challenges and achievements this half century has chronicled. The necessary strategies for working competently in support of continuous school improvement beyond this era, remains a priority for The Morning Star School to attain her desired goals and objectives.

Our Mission
To promote optimal learning to enable our pupils and staff, seek and use knowledge for personal growth and development, and service to mankind.
Core Values
The school holds dear the values and principles of loyalty, honesty, respect, hope, justice, and courage. There is a high sense of commitment to setting and monitoring targets for the enrichment of educational experiences to consistently exceed national standards. Educational programs for the hearing and sight-impaired are also being explored with the hope that these could be offered in the future. The Morning Star tradition that cherishes a cordial relationship among the management, parents, staff, and pupils will be maintained and strengthened.
Our Objectives
To ensure a wholesome standard of morality by inculcating in learners, christian principles as a basis for sound education and personal growth.
To develop the creative and problem-solving ability of the individual.
To prepare learners by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for effective living within the society and for making constructive changes in the society
To develop in learners and staff a sense of patriotism, national pride and internationalism for peaceful co-existence with fellow citizens and people of other nations.
To develop the whole child in several domains for optimal learning and to be of service to his or her community
To encourage and provide opportunities for continuous professional staff development to enhance effective teaching and learning and the delivery of relevant support services.
Meet The Founder
Mrs. Esme Akosua Praah Siriboe, founder of The Morning Star School was born on 25th April, 1926. Her years of formal learning earned her certification in the fields of Education, Child Psychology and Social Work. She worked assiduously, driven by a high sense of commitment to duty and was very keen and concerned about children. Esme Siriboe’s advanced training in literacy skills helped her formulate policies and constructive programmes for the responsible development of the institution. The Morning Star School received valuable lessons in the power of prayer, discipline, friendship, fair play and academic excellence under her guidance.
She was fortunate in her youth to have journeyed beyond the borders of Ghana from the colonial era, a rare feat for women back then and consolidated the gains in academic enrichment from Wales and the United States of America for educational leadership. A skillful relationship builder and teacher, an astute negotiator, avid reader, a Girl Guide, an Achimota College tennis, hockey player and Entertainment Prefect, and advocate of Child Evangelism, she showed notable enthusiasm in building a learning community comprehensively.
Mrs. Siriboe nursed an uncompromising desire for assisting the physically and mentally challenged as well as the underprivileged in society and generously offered assistance to several institutions including her church. Some of these institutions have set up facilities bearing her name in her honour. On the 27th of August 1994, the founder passed away after thirty years of unparalleled and distinguished leadership. She will be remembered for her invaluable contributions to the development of Ghana.

Former and Current Directors
Management And Staff
The school acknowledges with gratitude, the immense contributions of past and present members of management and staff who have and continue to join efforts in support of constructive school leadership. The potential of instructional and non-instructional personnel is harnessed to develop a collaborative approach for building, securing and sustaining progressive school growth. Essential tools and regulatory frameworks are employed for all initiatives taken.
Achievements and Awards
Here are some of our winning awards for local and international competitions
National Spelling Bee Championship
Four consecutive years 1996-1999
Cambridge International Examination Awards
Google Ghana
Art Competition